mmmmm yeaaah, yummy! and she's like "Hey, is that elven bread i smell? *SNIFF* SNIFF* Mmm mmmM mmm"
now she pull her sword out, and she gonna get some o' dat bread! YEAAAAAH Das right! Cast lvl 1 magic missile! MMM yeaahh, now she can nibble some o' dat! yeah... nibble away at that you crazy elf b****!
Sorry Al, I've been neglecting the old blog. It's just the student show but it's affording me the opportunity to go to NY and talk to a few reps and art directors. Should be fun. I continue to find humor and inspiration through your work so thanks.
Lovely sketch, but what happened to your sanity????
I think you rolled a save vs. insanity and lost. But I love your mad sketches anyway! Keep up the crazy...and the sketching.
OMG, what happened to my nice Al?
Sweet design!
...am I wrong in thinking she kiiiinda looks like a she-elf version of you? :P
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