Rough times, and i dont blame my company for any of it. this sorta thing happens and all you can really do is look up and hope for the best.
Hate the big L-O... but what can you do?
here's a piece i was working on today.
'Noggin DoOdlings! kLaZy!
WHAT!!! Not you too Bert!
I can't believe that happened to you! You were an art director! I'm so sorry man!
Sorry to hear that, Al. But I know your an amazing artist and a fantastic character designer. I have no doubt that you will be able to find another gig soon. Talent like yours would be a waste to not add to any team. If there is anything I can do, you just let me know.
On the the + side, this new piece is really nice and sleek. I can't wait to see more!
dude i prefer this cartoony/stylized character over ur over girly drawings:) maybe it's cuz i'ma 2d guy.
it's cuz you're a 2D guy :D
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