Another project that I've closely worked on with Jonas McCord and Seth Piezas gets into the Press Conference! Read it here @ Animation Magazine!
Holy Cow... 65 episodes???
'Noggin DoOdlings! kLaZy!
Albert is back!
yay drawings!
i want to illustrate my own pieces when i'm outside of work - but i get soooo friggin' tired that i just veg out in front of the computer or playing games or work on something else.
I hear that. But its good to see stuff your working on get some notice though. Looks good Al.
You lazy bum! Get to work. Stop playing video games.
Nice stuff man!
By the way, I saw the "Lucy" clip on youtube.
Funny! But bad. Funny! I don't want to go to hell for watching this.
Yeap. Lucy will take a while to hit production though - lots of Legal Hurdles to overcome (sigh). at leaset Unnatural History's got distribution and I got that KTVU interview coming up.
Al's Updates! That's what I was hungry for!
Great stuff! It's always refreshing to see your artwork.
Nice ones, man.
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